Make A difference by giving
Generous individuals, like you, is what allows us to make a difference in the lives of foster and adopted children!
What you're supporting

Sparrow House, emergency items, and First Night Bags have a direct impact on children affected by the foster care system. Sparrow House helps children in our community avoided having to stay in an agency office and experiencing more trauma. Emergency items help families have the items they need to keep children with their family or with their siblings. First Night bags help provide children who often enter foster care with nothing basic necessity items!

Support groups, training, and events help support families once children are placed into their homes. Support groups allow families to meet together to connect with other families and also receive ongoing training about issues they encounter while fostering. Training that is trauma focused is a key component to caring for kids who've experienced trauma. Events, like our Christmas party and shopping night, allows children and families to have a great time and experience new things while connecting with other in the community!