Have you ever thought why does my family not get us fostering? Or why do my kids hate us fostering? Why does my family not stop by any more? Others may ask you why have you changed so much? This topic resonates differently for everyone. Hearing the word family may give you warm feelings of happiness and joy, or it may give you feelings of dread or sorrow! It is such a challenge when you have family who don't understand your desire to foster.
Family: Why don't they understand fostering?
Family is one of the most important factors in our society, providing emotional support, meeting basic physical needs, teaching us social norms, right from wrong. This is what we want to provide for the kids placed into our foster homes. However, sometimes our family doesn't share the same vision. They might think we're sacrificing too much or question why we would want to deal with the biological parents of the child. It can create a barrier between us and our family.
So, here are some things to consider. First, what purpose did your family provide for you? What do you wish you knew about your family before you started fostering? How do you respond when they express doubts or negativity towards fostering? Understanding some of these things can help us as we navigate this tough topic.
For a plan, you can help your family understand your motivation and maybe include them in some aspects of your fostering journey. Family isn't just blood relatives; it's those who care and love you. So, don't let the doubts and questions deter you.
While this is a short blog, it's just an introduction to what we talk about during our gatherings. You are welcome to join us! Our sessions take place from 6 pm to 7:30 pm every Thursday at Northroad Church, located at 49 College Campus Dr., Moscow Mills 63362. The current series runs from January 11 - February 29. We provide dinner and childcare so you can focus on connection, learning, and navigating through the tough issues often encountered in foster care.